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Non-Skippable In-Stream Youtube Ads Tutorial 2022

Non-Skippable In-Stream Youtube Ads Tutorial 2022
Non-Skippable In-Stream Youtube Ads Tutorial 2022

Non-Skippable In-Stream Youtube Ads Tutorial 2022

Learn Step By Step How To Create Non-Skippable In-Stream Youtube Ads Campaigns

Learn What Non-Skippable In-Stream Youtube Ads are, The Available bidding strategy for Non-Skippable In-Stream Youtube Ads, about the Ad specifications and Available Assets

What are the Non-Skippable In-Stream Youtube Ads

Non-skippable in-stream ads play before, during, or after other videos. Viewers don’t have the option to skip the ad. Non-skippable in-stream ads are 15-seconds (or shorter).

  • Videos must be between 6 and 15 seconds and hosted on YouTube. Viewers can’t skip your ad.
  • A view of your non-skippable ad won’t increment the video’s YouTube view count.
  • Bids for non-skippable ads are set based on target CPM (cost per thousand impressions). Target CPM is a way to bid where you set how much you’re willing to pay every thousand times your ad is shown (this amount is your target CPM). Display & Video 360 will optimize your bids to help get as many impressions as possible using your target CPM amount. Some impressions may cost more or less than your target CPM, but altogether Display & Video 360 will try to keep your line item average CPM equal to or lower than the target CPM you set.
  • You can’t build remarketing lists off of views to non-skippable ads. 

Non-Skippable In-Stream Youtube Ads Tutorial 2022

How Do In-Stream Non-Skippable Ads Appear on Different Devices

In-Stream Non-Skippable Ads on Desktop

In-Stream Non-Skippable Ads on Desktop

In-Stream Non-Skippable Ads on Mobile

In-Stream Non-Skippable Ads on Mobile

In-Stream Non-Skippable Ads on TV Screens

In-Stream Non-Skippable Ads on TV Screens

In-Stream Non-Skippable Ads Available Assets

Available assets

YouTube video URLThe link to your video. The URL can be any standard video uploaded to YouTube. The video must be public or unlisted and comply with our advertising policies and requirements.
Final URLThe URL that people reach after clicking your ad. It should match what your ad promotes. Learn more about final URLs
Display URLThe website address that appears in your ad. It’s typically the URL of the site or page you’re advertising. The display URL must match the domain that people visit when they interact with your ad.
Call-to-action (optional)10 characters max. The call-to-action appears with your headline and directs people to the website you specify as your final URL. The call-to-action text should accurately reflect the site or page that you’re directing people to (for example, “Shop now” for a product detail page).
Headline (optional)15 characters max. Headline text should be concise and communicate key information and accurately reflect the content in the video.
Companion bannerA companion banner is an image that appears next to your ad on desktop computers. You can choose to have an auto-generated companion banner (based on info from your YouTube channel) or upload a 300×60 JPEG, GIF, or PNG (150 KB maximum). Learn more about companion banners
In-Stream Non-Skippable Ads Available Assets

In-Stream Non-Skippable Ads Ad specifications

Your video must be uploaded to YouTube and set as public or unlisted to use in an ad. Learn more about YouTube video formatting specifications

In-Stream Non-Skippable Ads-Available bidding strategy

Target cost-per-thousand impressions (tCPM)

With Target CPM bidding, you set the average amount you’re willing to pay for every thousand times your ad is shown. We’ll then optimize bids to help get as much unique reach as possible. Some impressions may cost more or less than your target.

Target CPM bidding is available when you create a Video campaign with the “Brand awareness and reach” or “Product and brand consideration” (only within the “Video ad sequence” subtype) goal.


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    Written by Giouli

    Welcome to my site!

    Live Love Learn Matter is my personal motto and philosophy of living.

    My name is Giouli Giannakandropoulou, 42 years of age living in Athens-Greece.

    I am a digital products reviewer and I am offering freelancing, digital marketing services to businesses that want to automate their daily tasks, customer acquisition, list building, generate more leads and sales, build their online presence etc, by building websites, blogs, ecommerce sites , landing pages and automation AI tools in general.

    I am into digital marketing and ppc advertsing, certified by Google for Google ads and constantly attending webinars and certified courses about digital marketing and affiliate marketing. I am a cosntant learner and seeking to spread only what works and bring tested results to my visitors. is a site aiming at providing useful content and information about make money online methods, affiliate marketing, digital marketing and PPC advertising, SEO, copywriting etc. I make blog reviews about digital marketing courses and software programs that I diligently search and are proven to work , legit , newbie friendly and high quality. in addition, I post and embed videos of other successful marketers, their Youtube channels of whom I recommend because their provide with top notch quality content in the affilaite marketing and digital marketing field, such as : Mac Dave, Joey Joey Babineau and Surfside PPC.

    You can connect with me by following me on social media, the links of which are inputted below. :)


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